Magonomia back in print with updated map!

Print orders for Magonomia® the TTRPG of Renaissance wizardry are back online after a week’s pause. Now we have the corrected and updated map of Enchanted England, plus other errata fixes.

The map of Enchanted England, version 1.2. Feel free to download, print, & share for non-commercial use.

If you purchased a print copy of Magonomia before today and you’re disappointed with the map, we offer you a copy of the corrected version for the cost of printing and shipping. This offer is valid for two years from today. Check your DriveThruRPG notifications for a discount code, or email

Happy gaming!

Print sales of Magonomia paused

Print sales of Magonomia® the RPG of Renaissance wizardry are currently paused. We’ve uploaded new digital content files to our print-on-demand partners including corrections to the Map of Enchanted England on p. 284. We’ve ordered proofs, which is publishing jargon for a print copy to make sure the printing came out right. Sales are on pause until the proofs are approved. We expect this will be 2-3 weeks.

Image of Magonomia Core Rules book.