Free creature from A Bestiary of Enchanted England: The Bugbear!

For our Kickstarter for A Bestiary of Enchanted England, we issued a Halloween backer challenge: if we get to 50 backers by the end of today, we’ll release a spooky creature from the upcoming book under the Open Game License (OGL). Our backers rose to the challenge, so we’re proud to present the near-final version of the Bugbear by Mark Lawford! Free for the community to share, modify, and redistribute under the OGL.

Illustration by Jeff Koch.

We had previously teased the Bugbear back in February 2022. You may find it interesting to compare how the text has evolved and how we’ve represented the creature using Fate Condensed rules.

Beware the Unicorn

If you thought unicorns in sixteenth-century literature are all about sparkly rainbows and laying their heads in maidens’ laps. think again. Unicorns in Renaissance stories are fierce, untamed creatures. That’s why they’re so prominent in heraldry.

"wert thou the unicorn, pride and wrath would confound thee and make thine own self the conquest of thy fury"

William Shakespeare, Timon of Athens

If you’re ready for a fierce unicorn that’s uninterested in maidens, rainbows, or peace and love, check out this illustration by Steven Bachan — and back A Bestiary of Enchanted England on Kickstarter!